With quantum computers getting more powerful each year, many worry about the safety of modern encryption standards.
Pure functions are often hyped up in the JavaScript world, probably because of the abundance of stateful front end applications.
One of the first concepts new developers learn is the if/else statement. If/else statements are the most common way to execute conditional logic.
In this tutorial, we’ll go step-by-step through building a video streaming API (which will work for music as well) in Go.
In Go, we often need to return zero values. Idiomatic Go encourages the use of guard clauses, and guard clauses necessitate the need to return early.
My team has been spending less of our “free” time working on bugs and features from the backlog, and more time refactoring our code and tests.
Let’s take a look at some good technical questions to be familiar with, whether you are looking to nail your next Golang interview, or if you’re the interviewer yourself.
There are plenty of libraries out there that will have you up and running with a good tooltip solution in minutes.
Bcrypt is a key derivation function, which can be thought of as a special kind of hash function.
Lattice-based cryptography, an important contender in the race for quantum-safe encryption, describes constructions of cryptographic primitives that involve mathematical lattices.
Adi Shamir’s Secret Sharing is a cryptographic algorithm that allows distinct parties to jointly share ownership of a single secret by holding shares.
If you’ve seen The Imitation Game or studied computer science in school, you have likely heard of Enigma, Alan Turing, or some of the other advances in cryptography that took place during the Second World War.
While working on boot.dev’s Go Playground, I came across a very strange error. The standard library’s fmt.
HMACs and MACs are authentication codes and are often the backbone of JWT authentication systems. A Message Authentication Code (MAC) is a string of bits that depends on a secret key and is sent with a message to prove the message wasn’t tampered with.
The age of information is not what we all hoped it would be. We successfully digitized the majority of human knowledge, and we even made it freely accessible to most.
In this quick tutorial, we’ll build a robust video (or music) streaming API using Node JS.
PGP, or its open-source alternative, GPG, is a program used to encrypt data such that only an authorized party can decrypt it.
Scrypt is a slow-by-design key derivation function designed to create strong cryptographic keys. Simply put, the purpose of the Scrypt hash is to create a fingerprint of its input data but to do it very slowly.
Users love convenience. If your goal is to make it easy for users to register with your app or website, then implementing the “Sign in with Google” option should be at the top of your priority list.
Custom toggle switches are a pain to code from scratch. So many lines for such a simple UI widget!
Rust and Go are two of the industry’s biggest successes when it comes to developing modern programming languages.
When we first launched the boot.dev’s single-page-app, we were using Vue Router’s default hash routing. Hash routing looks ugly to the end-user, and when you want to be able to share parts of your app via direct link those hashes can get really annoying.
SHA-2 (Secure Hash Algorithm 2), of which SHA-256 is a part, is one of the most popular hash algorithms around.
In single-page apps that use the Vue Router, it’s common to create a path parameter that changes the behavior of a route.
The boot.dev app - our new gamified learning platform - just launched its first JavaScript coding course!