The aracnum was soooooo close to defeating the Hound of Zaggoroth in this month’s boss fight.
In the Discord server, this question appears now and then. Will there be a Rust course?
I’m writing this one a bit early because I’m going out of town next week… better early than late?
I was recently working on a lesson about pointer performance for’s Golang course when I found myself repeating some advice I’ve given many times before.
One million lessons. Well, to be precise, you have all completed 1,122,050 lessons just in June.
ThePrimeagen’s new Git course is live. A new boss battle is on the horizon, and we’ve made massive speed improvements to the site.
A new Pub/Sub Architecture course, lootable chests, and ThePrimeagen’s Git course is only a couple weeks away.
Pythogoras returned in our second community-wide boss battle. He was vanquished, and there was much rejoicing.
Theo has this great video on Kubernetes, currently titled “You Don’t Need Kubernetes”. I’m a Kubernetes enjoyer, but I’m not here to argue about that.
Pythogoras escaped this month. The community rallied against the Serpent God, and while he was wounded and beaten back, he escaped.
609,179. That’s the number of lessons you crazy folks have completed on in the last 30 days.
As a developer, how many times each day do you look something up online? I’m not talking about a simple piece of syntax, I’m talking about the things that are a bit harder to find.
Hope you had a wonderful holiday! I know you might not have been able to take time off, but I hope you were able to spend some time with family and friends.
As a student, you may have encountered frustrating moments when your code editor freezes or is stuck “Setting up your environment”, leaving you wondering what went wrong.
GitHub has been re-founded on copilot, rumors of an AI superior to GPT-4 abound, and you’re trying to decide if it’s worth it to learn what a red-black tree is.
Hope you had a splendid Turkey month. My wife, two kids, and I spent Thanksgiving in southern Utah.
One of the marks of a good senior developer is that they have lots of interesting opinions.
There is only one question that ignites my inner rage more than “How do I get a developer job in 3 months?
Hope you had a fantastic Halloween. I spent last weekend in Seattle with Allan and Hunter (the other two full-timers here at Boot.
A queue is an efficient collection of ordered items. New items can be added to one side, and removed from the other side.
Recently I saw an interesting post on Reddit: “I would like to be more full-stack,” user Fenugurod said.
A stack is an abstract data type that serves as a collection of elements. The name “stack” originates from the analogy of items physically stacked on top of each other.
Happy All Hallow’s Eve. I hope you enjoy this month’s cover art. It might be my favorite so far.
As always, the short answer is easiest: On average, according to Indeed, an American web developer earns $81,034 per year.
Ever since starting, I’ve been flooded with what I call “quicksand questions”. On the surface, a quicksand question seems like a good question.