Just last month, Codecademy was sold to Skillsoft for $525 million. Not too shabby, and entirely well-deserved if you ask me.
Let’s be real here: we live in an age where everyone and their dog seems to think they need the latest, most expensive gadgets to get anything done.
Boot.dev has been my side-project for the last couple of years now. Being a learning path for backend developers focused on quality over quantity, I knew early on that it needed to have a really tight feedback loop from students.
I’ve spent an unhealthy amount of time online over the course of my life, and in the last couple years I’ve been managing a Discord server for people who are learning computer science.
Why you need a coding community 🔗 The one thing that every programmer has in common, whether they’ve only ever implemented a “Hello World” program or they’re considered a “senior” software engineer, is the need to continuously learn.
Because I’ve had several inquiries on this topic, I thought it would be interesting to publish some information on how the boot.
It’s hard finding good product people. That fact is really a tragedy because they are probably the most important part of any product-focused organization.
This article contains some of my thoughts on communications for distributed teams and is a response to No, we won’t have a video call for that!
Coding challenges are a fun way to improve your coding quickly. When I started to learn coding in school, coding challenges were the furthest thing from my mind.
Perhaps you’ve heard of the fabled 10x developer (or 10x engineer) - the one on the team that’s 10x as productive as their average colleague.
When I was just getting into coding, I was very disorganized. I would create a new text file in My Documents, work on it, never create a Git repository, accidentally delete it later, you get the idea.
Why was that adjustment to college classes so hard? Sitting through hours of lectures and PowerPoints can be challenging for even the most dedicated students.
In my full-time role at Nuvi, I’ve been lucky enough to work on a team where we’re able to push the boundaries in the natural language processing field.
And more importantly, how to choose the most popular coding language you should learn. 🔗 How can you decide what the most popular coding language is?
The software development industry is growing at a break-neck pace. Currently, there are close to 19 million software developers in the world, and this number is expected to double by 2030.
Coding languages, tools, and frameworks are in a constant state of flux, improvement, deprecation, and popularity swings.
Higher education had its problems before Covid-19. Now the crippling inefficiencies, backbreaking cost, and lack of alternatives are being forced into the spotlight.
The age of information is not what we all hoped it would be. We successfully digitized the majority of human knowledge, and we even made it freely accessible to most.
Introduction 🔗 In a previous tutorial we showed how you can get basic information on all quantum devices using backend_overview().
What is Superdense coding? 🔗 Superdense coding is a quantum communications protocol that allows a user to send 2 classical bits by sending only 1 qubit.