Blog ยป News ยป Roles in the Discord Server

Roles in the Discord Server

By Lane Wagner on December 19, 2021

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In our community Discord server, we have two main groups of roles you can take on as a member, earned roles and declared roles. Earned roles, as you would expect, you have to earn! You can get them in various ways as we’ll discuss shortly, but you can’t just ask for them. Declared roles on the other hand you simply assign to yourself, and are a way of showing the community what kinds of technologies you enjoy learning about, and what your programming goals are.

Declared roles ๐Ÿ”—

We have a Discord bot in our community server that you can issue commands to by typing a command in the #bot-cli channel. The commands take the following form.


When you type the /, Discord should prompt you with a little menu to choose your command and it’s available options.

To add a role, use the addrole command.

/addrole @golang

To remove a role, use the rmrole command.

/rmrole @python

Keep in mind, this will only work for declared roles. The following roles are all declared roles that you can update on your own.

Roles to show off your career goals ๐Ÿ”—

  • goal-backend-job
  • goal-frontend-job
  • goal-devops-job
  • goal-mobile-job
  • goal-data-job

Roles to show off your favorite technologies ๐Ÿ”—

  • javascript
  • golang
  • python
  • rust
  • java
  • typescript
  • c++
  • sql
  • html-css

Roles to signal programming experience ๐Ÿ”—

  • xp-new (never programmed before)
  • xp-beginner (programmed but haven’t had a job)
  • xp-junior (in the first year of your professional career)
  • xp-mid (a professional developer for more than a year)
  • xp-senior (you’ve held a “senior” title)

Roles to signal preferred pronouns ๐Ÿ”—

  • he-him
  • she-her
  • they-them
  • ask-pronouns

Roles for notifications ๐Ÿ”—

  • notify-workshops
  • notify-morning-coffee

Earned Roles ๐Ÿ”—

There are several roles you will automatically earn through your activity within Qvault’s courses and projects. To connect your discord account to your Qvault account so that roles can be properly assigned, run the following command.

/sync {api_key}

Where {api_key} is the API key for your account on the website, which you can change and update in your settings. Here are the roles that you’ll unlock automatically:

  • pupil - You’ve completed at least 25 exercises
  • scholar - You’ve completed at least 100 exercises
  • sage - You’ve completed 400 or more exercises

If for any reason you didn’t get a role auto-assigned that you’ve earned, just drop a message in the #bug-reports channel and the team will unlock it for you.

Thanks for reading and welcome to our coding community!

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