(Very) Basic Intro to the Scrypt Hash

Boot.dev Blog ยป Cryptography ยป (Very) Basic Intro to the Scrypt Hash
Lane Wagner
Lane Wagner

Last published July 25, 2020

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Scrypt is a slow-by-design key derivation function designed to create strong cryptographic keys. Simply put, the purpose of the Scrypt hash is to create a fingerprint of its input data but to do it very slowly. A common use-case is to create a strong private key from a password, where the new private key is longer and more secure. Here at boot.dev, we use a similar KDF for securing user passwords.

Let’s pretend your password is password1234. By using Scrypt, we can extend that deterministically into a 256-bit key:

password1234 -> 

That long 256-bit key can now be used as a private key to encrypt and decrypt data. For example, it could be the key in an AES-256 cipher.

Some cryptocurrencies, like Litecoin, use Scrypt as their proof-of-work algorithm due to how slow and memory-intensive the key derivation process is. By using a slower and more memory-intensive algorithm, it’s harder for engineers to create specialized hardware (ASICs) to mine the coin.

Other hash function explainers ๐Ÿ”—

Before we move on, if you’re looking for an explanation of a different hash function, we may have you covered

Why Not Encrypt With The Password Directly? ๐Ÿ”—

Most encryption algorithms, including AES-256, require that a key of sufficient length is used. By hashing the password, we can derive a longer, more secure, fixed-size key.

Furthermore, using a KDF like Scrypt provides additional benefits over a traditional hash function like SHA-2:

  • Computationally expensive and slow
  • Memory intensive (potentially several gigabytes of RAM is used to execute the hash)

Often times brute-force attackers will try to break encryption by guessing passwords over and over until they get it right. AES-256 and SHA-2 are fast, so an attacker would be able to guess many passwords per second. By using a slow hashing function like Scrypt to derive a key, we can force the attacker to waste more resources trying to break in.

Scrypt Step-by-Step ๐Ÿ”—

Scrypt can be visualized by some psuedo-code:

func Scrypt(
	passphrase, // string of characters to be hashed
	salt,  // random salt
	costFactor, // CPU/Memory cost, must be power of 2
	parallelizationFactor, // (1..232-1 * hLen/MFlen)
	desiredKeyLen // Desired key length in bytes
) derivedKey {
	// we'll get to this

Let’s go through the steps of converting those inputs into the desired derivedKey

1 - Define Blocksize ๐Ÿ”—

const blockSize = 128 * blockSizeFactor

2 - Generate Initial Salt ๐Ÿ”—

Scrypt uses PBKDF2 as a child key-derivation function. We use it to generate an initial salt. PBKDF2 has the following signature:

func PBKDF2(
) derivedKey {}

We use it as follows:

const initialSalt = PBKDF2(HMAC-SHA256, passphrase, salt, 1, blockSize * parallelizationFactor)

3 - Mix Salt ๐Ÿ”—

Next, we mix the salt. We split initialSalt into splitSalt, which is a 2D array of bytes. Each sub-array contains 1024 bytes

splitSalt := [][1024]byte(initialSalt)
for i, block := range splitSalt {
	newBlock := roMix(block, costFactor)
	splitSalt[i] = newBlock

Where roMix is the following function:

func roMix(block, iterations){
	v := []
	x := block
	for i := 0; i < iterations; i++ {
		v[i] = x
		x = blockMix(x)
	for i := 0; i < iterations; i++ {
		j := integerify(x) % iterations
		x = blockMix(x ^ v[j])
	return x

integerify is defined by RFC-7914 and blockMix is:

func blockMix(block){
	r := len(block) / 128
	// split block into an array of 2r 64-byte chunks
	chunks := get2r64ByteChunks()

	x := chunks[len(chunks)-1]
	y := []
	for i := 0; i < len(chunks); i++{
		x = salsa20-8(x ^ chunks[i])
		y[i] = x
	return [y[0], y[2], ...y[2r-2], y[1], y[3], ...y[2r-1]]

salsa20-8 is the 8-round version of the algorithm defined here.

4 - Finalize Salt ๐Ÿ”—

Now splitSalt has been mixed in such a computationally exhausting way that we will call it an expensiveSalt. Expensive salt will be a single array of bytes, so we need to concatenate all the subarrays in splitSalt.

expensiveSalt := append([], splitSalt...)

5 - Return Final KDF ๐Ÿ”—

return PBKDF2(HMAC-SHA256, passphrase, expensiveSalt, 1, desiredKeyLen)

The final pseudocode for our top level function is as follows:

func Scrypt(
	passphrase, // string of characters to be hashed
	salt,  // random salt
	costFactor, // CPU/Memory cost, must be power of 2
	parallelizationFactor, // (1..232-1 * hLen/MFlen)
	desiredKeyLen // Desired key length in bytes
) derivedKey {
	const blockSize = 128 * blockSizeFactor

	const initialSalt = PBKDF2(HMAC-SHA256, passphrase, salt, 1, blockSize * parallelizationFactor)

	splitSalt := [][1024]byte(initialSalt)
	for i, block := range splitSalt {
		newBlock := roMix(block, costFactor)
		splitSalt[i] = newBlock

	expensiveSalt := append([], splitSalt...)

	return PBKDF2(HMAC-SHA256, passphrase, expensiveSalt, 1, desiredKeyLen)

Or, if you prefer, the pseudocode as defined by Wikipedia:

Function scrypt
      Passphrase:                Bytes    string of characters to be hashed
      Salt:                      Bytes    random salt
      CostFactor (N):            Integer  CPU/memory cost parameter - Must be a power of 2 (e.g. 1024)
      BlockSizeFactor (r):       Integer  blocksize parameter (8 is commonly used)
      ParallelizationFactor (p): Integer  Parallelization parameter. (1..232-1 * hLen/MFlen)
      DesiredKeyLen:             Integer  Desired key length in bytes
      DerivedKey:                Bytes    array of bytes, DesiredKeyLen long

   Step 1. Generate expensive salt
   blockSize โ† 128*BlockSizeFactor  //Length (in bytes) of the SMix mixing function output (e.g. 128*8 = 1024 bytes)

   Use PBKDF2 to generate initial 128*BlockSizeFactor*p bytes of data (e.g. 128*8*3 = 3072 bytes)
   Treat the result as an array of p elements, each entry being blocksize bytes (e.g. 3 elements, each 1024 bytes)
   [B0...Bpโˆ’1] โ† PBKDF2HMAC-SHA256(Passphrase, Salt, 1, blockSize*ParallelizationFactor)

   Mix each block in B Costfactor times using ROMix function (each block can be mixed in parallel)
   for i โ† 0 to p-1 do
      Bi โ† ROMix(Bi, CostFactor)

   All the elements of B is our new "expensive" salt
   expensiveSalt โ† B0โˆฅB1โˆฅB2โˆฅ ... โˆฅBp-1  //where โˆฅ is concatenation
   Step 2. Use PBKDF2 to generate the desired number of bytes, but using the expensive salt we just generated
   return PBKDF2HMAC-SHA256(Passphrase, expensiveSalt, 1, DesiredKeyLen);

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