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Qvault is moving to

By Lane Wagner on April 7, 2022

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We’ll keep this announcement short – we’ve moved to! As you know, we’ve been hard at work bootstrapping on online computer science bootcamp. Qvault (now is a simple CS curriculum where our students build real projects using modern programming languages and technologies.

Anyhow, we think the new name does a much better job conveying our project’s goals, and the new dark theme is much easier on the eyes. Be sure to check out what we’ve done with the place.

New look 🔗 is a developer-first workspace, and as such we’ve switched to a (default) dark mode. Let us know what you think.

screenshot of home

screenshot of course

New guiding principles 🔗

If you haven’t read about our unique beliefs on coding education, you should check them out. We have some fairly strong opinions about the best way for new developers to advance their careers. Specifically surrounding the relationship between real coding projects and guided courses. Read all about that on our new about page here.

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