The Lord of the Mire has been the hardest boss yet (by far), weighing it with 150,000,000 HP.
Our new JavaScript course is live! ThePrimeagen’s course on building your own HTTP server from scratch is just around the corner, and the TypeScript track couldn’t be closer.
It’s official: TJ’s C course walkthrough was released before GTA6! This is a great month for Boot.
Fastest boss defeat in the history of, a new AWS course, embers are live, and my children just won’t stop being sick for more than 4 days at a time.
Potions got a rework, solutions were added to the Git course, and I’ve been sick for like 10 days straight… hope your Holidays are staying healthier than mine!
Mortrunk has fallen. The community rallied in our Halloween boss fight spectacular. Well done. The Boots’ aura XP boost even hit 2x for a while there.
The “learn computer science basics” section of the backend developer learning path is now complete! We have no big plans to make serious modifications (tbh I always say this though, so idk).
The aracnum was soooooo close to defeating the Hound of Zaggoroth in this month’s boss fight.
I’m writing this one a bit early because I’m going out of town next week… better early than late?
One million lessons. Well, to be precise, you have all completed 1,122,050 lessons just in June.
ThePrimeagen’s Git course is live. A new boss battle is on the horizon, and we’ve made massive speed improvements to the site.
A new Pub/Sub Architecture course, lootable chests, and ThePrimeagen’s Git course is only a couple weeks away.
Pythogoras returned in our second community-wide boss battle. He was vanquished, and there was much rejoicing.
Pythogoras escaped this month. The community rallied against the Serpent God, and while he was wounded and beaten back, he escaped.
609,179. That’s the number of lessons you crazy folks have completed on in the last 30 days.
Hope you had a wonderful holiday! I know you might not have been able to take time off, but I hope you were able to spend some time with family and friends.
Hope you had a splendid Turkey month. My wife, two kids, and I spent Thanksgiving in southern Utah.
Hope you had a fantastic Halloween. I spent last weekend in Seattle with Allan and Hunter (the other two full-timers here at Boot.
Happy All Hallow’s Eve. I hope you enjoy this month’s cover art. It might be my favorite so far.
The best part of working on is seeing you all make almost unbelievable strides in not only your understanding of fundamental concepts, but what you can now build from scratch.
As I’m writing this on July 28th, we’ve had 118,984 lessons successfully completed by students on Boot.
June was hot. I got sunburned. What else happened… Oh yeah, I finished the new CI/CD course!
May was a historic month for We added more students to the backend learning path than we ever have in a single month before, and we’re doing everything we can to build and release new, better courses at a faster clip.
We hit some amazing milestones in April. We now have over 40,000 registered students and over 500,000 lessons completed on the platform!
We released more this last March than I think we’ve ever released in a single month before.