Go is strongly typed, and with that, we get many options for simple variable types like integers and floats.
The Go standard library has a really cool type - Ticker. Tickers are used when you want to do something at a regular interval, similar to JavaScript’s setInterval.
In microservice architectures, it’s fairly common to have a project that includes different worker types. A Makefile can be used to manage the creation of multiple programs, but the Go toolchain has a tool that can be used as well, go generate.
An anonymous struct is just like a normal struct, but it is defined without a name and therefore cannot be referenced elsewhere in the code.
Go is a strongly typed language, which means at any point a developer should know exactly what type of value they are dealing with.
Errors in Go are a hot topic. Many newcomers to the language immediately level their first criticism, “errors in go are clunky!
Let’s discuss a few rules of thumb for logging in Go, as well as some features you may not have heard of that can make debugging easier.
Singletons are fairly controversial as far as I can tell, especially in JavaScript programming. Let’s take a look at what they are, when to (maybe) use them, and when not to.
The quick answer is that Go does not support constant arrays, maps or slices. However, there are some great workarounds.
My worst enemy is processes that a developer spun up years ago on a server everyone has forgotten about.
Go has become increasingly popular in recent years, especially in my local area. It has been consistently displacing other backend languages like Ruby, Python, C# and Java.