If you’re looking to improve your coding, there are lots of steps you can take, but the first is focusing on Python best practices.
In Python, an assertion is a statement that confirms something about the state of your program.
While lists aren’t the most efficient data structure if you’ll be doing lots of deleting from the middle, there are definitely good ways to accomplish the task.
Developers love concise code that’s easy to read, and that’s exactly what ternary operators are for.
Let’s go over a few idiomatic ways to remove duplicates from lists in Python. Method #1 - Create a new list (simplest) 🔗 This is the easiest algorithm to code, but because it requires creating a new list, also requires more memory and is a bit slower.
When working with files in Python, you’ll often need to check if a file exists before you do anything else with it, such as reading from or writing to it.
Generics in Go have been released with Go 1.18! This is one of the most eagerly-awaited features since the release of the language.
There is a common trap that we fall into as developers, and it is believing that because some code “worked” that the code was written “correctly”.
A while back I went through the interview process at a company I won’t name here.
It’s either a blessing or a curse when choosing to learn Python or C++ because there couldn’t be two more opposing languages to compare.
When comparing programming languages, it’s not often that you come across two that actually work well together, but that happens to be the case when it comes to PHP and JavaScript.
So you’re a fan of web development? Great! You’re probably already familiar with JavaScript (if not, check out our JavaScript course here) and may have heard of Node.
PHP famously claims to be the backend programming language for just under 80% of the Internet.
When broken down into core features – like programming style and code execution – JavaScript and Ruby seem deceivingly similar, but there are a few constitutional differences.
It’s hard finding good product people. That fact is really a tragedy because they are probably the most important part of any product-focused organization.
A ruby is a beautiful red gemstone; a python is a beautiful green snake. Aside from that, they’re both very popular programming languages.
Everyone wants to know the best way to learn to code Python nowadays. It’s a great language, as I’ve written about before, with great career prospects and tons of useful features.
Really good JavaScript projects for beginners can be tough to find. Sometimes they’re too hard, or assume too much prior knowledge.
JavaScript (JS), once regarded as simply a “glue language”, has gone on to become the most popular programming language in the world.
I’ve made no secret of the fact that I love Python, and that I believe one of the best ways to learn Python is by finding an awesome project you care about to work on.
We recently took a look at our course curriculum and felt that our current Learn Algorithms course, written in Go, would be better served if it covered Python instead.
HTML, CSS, and JavaScript are the most important tools in your arsenal for all your web design escapades.
This article contains some of my thoughts on communications for distributed teams and is a response to No, we won’t have a video call for that!
In 2009, the computer science world was blessed with two powerful tools: Golang and Node.js.
Golang and C# offer a unique mixture of similarities and differences, having both been inspired by the same language, C.