Blog ยป News ยป Announcing a "Basic Intro to Coding" Course in JavaScript

Announcing a "Basic Intro to Coding" Course in JavaScript

By Lane Wagner on July 6, 2020

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The app - our new gamified learning platform - just launched its first JavaScript coding course! This one is short, sweet, and to the point. We created a thirty-exercise, two-module course that caters to students who have never seen a single line of code before. That’s right, this is a code-in-the-browser course for absolute beginners.

What is Taught? ๐Ÿ”—

The course is made of 80% code completion exercises and 20% multiple-choice questions.

Some of the concepts covered include:

  • Variables
  • Printing
  • Mathematical Operations
  • Loops

We use JavaScript throughout the course for two reasons:

  • JavaScript is an interpreted, dynamically typed language. This means we can leave some of the lower-level details for later courses and focus on more interesting concepts immediately.
  • JavaScript is extremely popular and one of the most-used programming languages. JavaScript tends to be a language that junior developers are able to find a job using quickly.

What’s Next? ๐Ÿ”—

One of the next courses in our pipeline is a direct sequel to “(Very) Basic Intro to Coding”. We need to cover other core coding concepts like:

What If I’m Not a Beginner? ๐Ÿ”—

That’s great!’s focus is on computer science fundamentals, and many of our courses are for more experiences developers.

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