It’s official: TJ’s C course walkthrough was released before GTA6! This is a great month for Boot.
As the founder of a company where my largest static expense is engineering salaries, I’m over here just chomping at the bit, eagerly awaiting the moment I can fire everyone and line my pockets with all those juicy savings.
Fastest boss defeat in the history of, a new AWS course, embers are live, and my children just won’t stop being sick for more than 4 days at a time.
Lists 🔗 A natural way to organize and store data is in a List. Some languages call them “arrays”, but in Python, we just call them lists.
If you’re new to Python, or perhaps coding in general (welcome!), loops are what allow us to do the same thing over and over and over again, without having to re-type the same code each time.
Functions in Python allow us to reuse and organize code. For example, say we have some code that calculates the area of a circle:
Variables are how we store data as our program runs. You’re probably already familiar with printing data by passing it straight into print():
Potions got a rework, solutions were added to the Git course, and I’ve been sick for like 10 days straight… hope your Holidays are staying healthier than mine!
Mortrunk has fallen. The community rallied in our Halloween boss fight spectacular. Well done. The Boots’ aura XP boost even hit 2x for a while there.
I’ve been building a learning curriculum for backend developers for the last 3 years, but I’ve mostly been relying on qualitative feedback and my own intuitions.
The “learn computer science basics” section of the backend developer learning path is now complete! We have no big plans to make serious modifications (tbh I always say this though, so idk).
Let’s build a fully-fledged HTTP server from scratch in Go. This course assumes you already have a solid understanding of Go.
We’re going to build an RSS feed aggregator in Go! It’s a web server that allows clients to:
The aracnum was soooooo close to defeating the Hound of Zaggoroth in this month’s boss fight.
In the Discord server, this question appears now and then. Will there be a Rust course?
I’m writing this one a bit early because I’m going out of town next week… better early than late?
I was recently working on a lesson about pointer performance for’s Golang course when I found myself repeating some advice I’ve given many times before.
One million lessons. Well, to be precise, you have all completed 1,122,050 lessons just in June.
ThePrimeagen’s Git course is live. A new boss battle is on the horizon, and we’ve made massive speed improvements to the site.
A new Pub/Sub Architecture course, lootable chests, and ThePrimeagen’s Git course is only a couple weeks away.
Pythogoras returned in our second community-wide boss battle. He was vanquished, and there was much rejoicing.
Theo has this great video on Kubernetes, currently titled “You Don’t Need Kubernetes”. I’m a Kubernetes enjoyer (I even wrote a course on it, but I’m not here to argue about that.
Pythogoras escaped this month. The community rallied against the Serpent God, and while he was wounded and beaten back, he escaped.
609,179. That’s the number of lessons you crazy folks have completed on in the last 30 days.
As a developer, how many times each day do you look something up online? I’m not talking about a simple piece of syntax, I’m talking about the things that are a bit harder to find.